Off and Running Again …

​Well, this feels wonderful. In recent days I’ve returned to manuscript number two, after necessarily leaving off quite a few months ago to focus on Addressed when it was published.

Of course, time away from actual writing has given me breathing and thinking space, and I’ve come up with some new – and, I believe, better – ideas and themes, and an improved plotline, for my second book. My main characters are taking on new dimensions too. I’m growing very attached to the four of them already.

So, I’ve decided to effectively sort the wheat from the chaff and pretty much start again.

It’s exciting! There’s nothing like that feeling when you have a story bubbling away in your head, and it finally starts to spill out and take shape and come to life. It’s like at last popping the cork from a special bottle of vintage champagne that you’ve been saving, pouring the first flute and seeing it fizz.

So, what’s my new book going to be about? Well, there’s a clue in the heading to this blog …

That’s my only teaser at this early stage.

Now, back to writing …

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